Urban Menus

Colombian-born, London-educated designer based in Madrid. Early career in museum design at Gold Museum, Bogota, and British Museum, London. Explored interior design in commercial and residential spaces. Currently merging architecture, illustration, and storytelling, collaborating with BOA Büro für offensive Aleatorik in Vienna.

Project Coordinator at SYNCHRO SPACE, a hub of innovation for cities. Brings 13 years of experience in project management and digital communications across hospitality, construction, and urban projects. Participated in the development of an educational course on circular economy for the Maidan Open University.

A skilled architect and designer with diverse experience in Concept Design, Design, Multimedia & Communication. Studied architecture in Bogotá and spatial design in London. involved in developing innovative creative content from concept inception to final production. Joined the team in 2016.

With a double Master’s degree in Security Studies and Public Administration and multi-sectoral professional experiences, Alice continuously explores new domains related to disaster risk reduction, civil protection and smart city policies. She is currently a Fellow of the Global Governance Institute.

Multimedia Developer, currently focusing on using Virtual Reality to streamline the urban analysis process and support architects in the early stages of project development. Has been part of the URBAN MENUS team since 2017, where she specializes in the development of 3D software for participatory and impact-oriented urban planning.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project number 2023-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000159829

Funded by the European Union.